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The Best Tips And Hacks For Bedding You Need To Know In 2024

When was the last time you washed your sheets? Do you even remember, or has it been months or weeks?? Oops…..if we just reminded you about washing them, then you better go and toss them in the washer. But there are a few things you might want to learn before you leave. Keep on reading!

You should wash your bedding every once in a while, pretty much once in two weeks. And if you have kids or pets at home, then you need to do it more often. Sure, but in this busy life who really has the time to wash your bedding that often? We get it, which is why we are going to save you some time and tell you some crazy cleaning tricks to make you do your laundry faster.  

Wouldn’t it be so great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle-free……and three sizes smaller?? 

cleaning tricks, washing bedding, kill fleas, washing bedding at 90 degrees

Pillows, Mattresses and Comforters: Dust Mite Collectors

Each day, your sheets are covered in body oil, dead skin cells, sweat, and saliva. I know! How gross right? It gets worse. Did you ever take some time to wonder that we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping Au lit (in bed), and since we spend so much time on it, does it also means more dust mites and germs? Yes, just like a haven for dirt!! Gross isn’t it!

This makes it a haven for dust mites. These microscopic pests actually feed on what our bodies shed throughout the night. You can’t see them with your naked eye, but they are there! The amount of shedding the human body does in one night is enough to feed 1 million dust mites! 

Many people have severe allergies to dust mites, especially their excrement. Yes, you read right. These dust mites are totally pooping in the bed. I am grossed out just even thinking about it! This is why it is so very important to wash your sheets frequently, to avoid the build-up of dirt and dust mites. 

You have to also wash and freshen up your bedding as often as possible too, as over time, dirt and debris can build up in the pillow, comforter, and mattress cover where dust mites can start to collect over time as well. 

According to the experts at Mayoclinic:

"The first treatment for controlling dust mite allergy is avoiding dust mites as much as possible. When you minimize your exposure to dust mites, you can expect fewer or less severe allergic reactions. However, it's impossible to completely eliminate dust mites from your environment. You may also need medications to control symptoms."

This stresses the importance of washing your duvets and keeping them clean.

how many bed sheets in washing machine washing with vinegar what setting to wash bed sheets by hand

What Is The Best Way To Wash Your Bedding

Bed Sheets And Linens

Hope I didn’t scare you too much about the germs in your bed sheets. Well, now that you have decided to wash it, let me walk you through how you should go about it.

The first question we all have with linens is what setting should we wash the bed sheets on? Also, can I wash my bedsheets with my clothes? YourDaniadown or other bed sheets and linens, pillowcases, and duvet covers included are pretty much made of similar if not the same fabric material.  

Sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers are what you need to concentrate on washing more because your body is in direct contact with this fabric material. And you might be surprised how easy they are to care for. Not only they are easy to remove, but most bed sheets are also pretty easy to wash. 

Just like always, I keep on reminding you to read the labels and follow the specific cleaning instructions. Even though most sheets can be washed at home, you might want to have a look to make sure.

So How Often Should You Be Washing Your Sheets? 

Well… the MINIMUM is once every two weeks, but ideally, you should be changing them and washing them once a week. With mattress covers and pillow protectors, these things can be washed once a month as they do not collect as much dirt because of the sheets. It is important to wash your pillows and comforter as well when possible or have them dry cleaned at least twice a year, averaging once every six months or sooner.

Washing With Hot Water

Cotton sheets like this 500TC 100% Cotton Sheetcan be washed on thehottest water temperature setting available. Usually, that is washing it at 90 degrees. This helps kill the germs and bacteria that thrive in your bedding.

We also recommend you hang dry your sheet in sunlight, as it could help disinfect and brighten the whites. If the weather does not permit it, then tumble-drying them is fine. But if you want to sanitize them further, then you could also iron them (helps kill the last bit of germs).  

Pro Tip: Use Vinegar to soften your bed sheets and towels. Yes, Vinegar acts as a great substitute if you have run out of fabric softener. Also, a great thing about vinegar is that it does not cause any skin irritations.

Goose Down Mulberry Silk wool Duvet Washing Instructions

Duvets and Comforters

We all know it can be a big task to wash your bulky duvet comforter. But let’s face it, they have to be cleaned. Most people prefer taking them to the cleaners as it saves them time and a lot of effort when you decide to do it yourself. But if you are wondering how you could save some money then you might want to know this. It is possible to clean your down duvet comforter at home; in case you are wondering, you should definitely check out our blog on How To Wash A Duvet Comforter

The first step as always will be to read the manufacturing label for instructions! I can’t stress enough how important this is since, washing it at home would void the manufacturing guarantee.  

Let’s get started on how to wash your duvet comforter at home. The first thing when washing a duvet is to remove the duvet cover and wash the cover separately. Another thing you would want to keep in mind is to check for the size of your washing machine. If you feel that your washing machine is small, and you do not want to dry clean your duvet, you could simply take it to a laundromat service machine nearby. We recommend you use the biggest-size washing machine, while you are at the laundromat.  

Now while I have you here, let me tell you how you should wash your duvet. make sure of the water temperature setting. If you are washing a down duvet then washing it on a cold setting would prevent it from shrinking. Always use mild liquid detergent when washing your blankets that contain down or wool fill. We suggest you refrain from using fabric softeners for your down duvets as they could harm the fill. 

Why not just buy duvets that are washable like theseDown Under Light Weight Mulberry Silk Duvet or theDown Under Bedding’s Australian Wool Duvet that we recommend you wash in a Commercial size machine.

Hack 101: Do you find that your down duvet knots up when you wash it? Try placing a rubber or tennis ball, if you can’t find one then you could also just wrap a bunch of coins in a sock and throw it in with your duvet comforter.

Memory foam bamboo pillow washing symbol instructions


Most people don’t realize that pillows also accumulate dirt and germs over the years. Even though a pillow cover helps protect your pillow from getting dirty that often, it is recommended that you wash your pillow once or twice every year. We don’t tend to give too much thoughts on buying a good pillow as we do to when looking for a mattress but buying a good pillow of the right size is equally important. Check out our latest Pillow Collection to explore your options.

Unless your pillow is labeled “dry clean only”, we suggest you wash it. Pillows should be washed in a gentle setting for the shortest time while most pillows can be machine washable, others strictly should be dry cleaned only. If you are looking to remove a particular stain from your pillow, you may want to spot-clean the area, otherwise, you could just toss it in the washer.

Well, the first step as always is to check the label and follow instructions, but you should also check the fill material for your pillow. If you have adown of feather filled pillow you could use a small amount of detergent and put the machine in the most gentle/delicate setting available.

Another great purchase is the washable wool pillow, which helps save you bucks as you do not have to rush to the dry cleaners every time this pillow gets dirty. All you need to do is toss it in the washer on a delicate cycle (use cold water and a small amount of soap) and give it a spin.

But if you have a memory foam or latex pillow you might have to hold off on the washing. These cannot be washed, which is why they should be checked and cleaned by the spot cleaning method. Removing stains and spots when you see them can help increase the life span of these pillows.

Tip: Have you heard about the tennis ball hack? Throwing tennis balls inside the dryer with your clothes can help your pillow to dry faster. Well, you might want to throw in two t three to keep them nice and fluffy. Could also work with duvets and comforters.

Have you ever looked at the last few loads few loads of laundry and considered just throwing them away?

washing machine photo shoots laundry day memes

How To Freshen Up Bedding That Can’t Be Washed

Certain bedding is not washable, as it can ruin the integrity or quality of the product. Down and silk duvets and pillows, for example, are not machine washable, and have to be spot cleaned or dry-cleaned only. 

Spot cleaning is easy to do at home with some water and a mild detergent of your choosing. You only need a small amount of soap. Rinse with a clean cloth soaked in water. The best way to freshen a comforter or pillow that can’t be washed is by letting it hang in the sun for a few hours. 

This actually dries up the filling and restores its vigor and airing out the filling as well gives it a fresher scent. Heat is the best way to kill germs and viruses, especially in direct sunlight. You can do this every few months, or as often as you like, as this is not harmful to your bedding. 

Some bedding that is safe to tumble dry, you can throw into the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes which is very effective in killing bacteria as well as freshening up your bedding. This also helps to fluff and redistribute the filling inside your bedding. 

You should also fluff and shake out your pillows and comforters every morning after use to restore shape and plumpness. 

Best Cleaning Products For Your Bedding!

Bleach should only be used on cotton and always be sure to use color-safe bleach. Only use chlorine bleach on white sheets. If you are looking for bleach alternatives, there are products like ‘Out - White Brite’ which helps with whitening any stains or off-coloring that may happen to your white sheets. 

There are also oxygen-based bleaches like ‘Oxiclean’ which is safe on most fabrics. Always read the instructions before utilizing bleach or bleach alternatives. Some people choose to use hydrogen peroxide to help disinfect their bedding. The general rule of thumb is to add one cup of this stuff into your wash. Works like a charm!  

Alternatively to hydrogen peroxide, there is something called Borax, an all-natural detergent booster that basically raises the alkalinity of the water, which helps in killing germs and bacteria. Only ½ a cup of Borax added to your wash, apparently does wonders! 

Now let’s talk about some detergents. You can also use baking soda in your wash to give it added cleaning power. There are even liquid detergents out there with baking soda added to them, like Arm & Hammer laundry detergent. 

You also have your typical detergents like Gain and Sunlight. There are specialized detergents out there as well. Some are meant specifically for wool, like Woolite. Or perhaps you are someone who looks for an Earth-friendly option. 

There are plenty of eco-friendly laundry detergents on the market now. Tide has even gotten into the game of natural-based, with its Free & Gentle line of laundry detergent. Other popular more natural and earth-friendly brands are EcoMax and Method, which both have a liquid laundry detergent you can try. 

Common Mistakes Made When Washing Bedding! Don’t be the one making them!!

Overloading the washer, using fabric softener, using bleach on non-cotton sheets, not using a stain remover/pre-treating stains, using too much detergent, over drying your sheets, washing bedding with other laundry items, using dryer sheets, piling up your dirty sheets or leaving them in a basket that has no airflow. Ignoring your pillows - some people never clean them ever! 

Also, a reminder again, to check the label for the manufacturer’s instructions!!

1 Response

Lise St-Germain

Lise St-Germain

April 21, 2024

I really enjoy this article full of information on maintaining a good household clean. It’s refreshing in keeping good habits. Thank you

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